nutrition coaching

two-brain nutrition certified coaches

There are 168 hours in a week. Most people spend less than 3% of their time in the gym. The reality is that a flat stomach is not a function of training.

For most people, the key to building a “dream body” is controlling their eating habits outside of the gym.

Our nutrition programmes can help you overhaul your lifestyle and get you results much faster than training alone.

OUR nutrition programme OFFERS


Your coach will be there to make sure you’re staying on track and progressing towards your goals.

Customised Plan

You’ll get a flexible diet plan that can work with your lifestyle and schedule, regardless of how busy you are.

Measured Feedback

What gets measured, gets managed. We’ve built feedback loops into our programme, so you know if you’re making optimal progress.


If you stay disciplined and follow your plan, expect see-it-in-the-mirror results in as little as six weeks.


Talk with a coach & make a plan

Get started & get results.

let's talk!

Chat with a coach about how FSM can help you achieve your goals.

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In this intro session, we want to learn all about you, your nutrition goals and how we can help you reach them.

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Take the first step towards getting the results that you want!

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