Welcome to our very first episode of FSM RX’D. The FSM team is excited to be providing our viewers with some great interviews from some of Ireland best Coaches, Athletes, Business owners and much, much more.
In Episode one, we got to sit down with the one and only Alan Fitzpatrick from CrossFit Navan.
If you have done CrossFit for over a year you most likely will have met Alan as he has traveled the length and breath of Ireland visiting all CrossFit affiliates promoting Ireland’s biggest Team competition the Filthy 150 http://www.thefilthy150.com/
I first met Alan when he came through our doors three years ago back when I ran and coached at CrossFit Bray. He invited our members to join him and Jamie from CrossFit Swords and three other affiliates to take part in the 150 event in Navan.
Over the past 2 years Alan and Jamie have grown the competition in such a way that it stands out from anything held in Ireland to-date and this year they have taken it to the next level, renting the National Basketball Arena to host this event.
In this interview we get the inside track on Alan and his Plans for the Filthy 150 along with some vague hints about an impending GRID league coming to Europe and Ireland.
So sit back relax and enjoy!
P.S we have since learned how to use focus on the camera. Also check out the 150 highlights from last years